How you can improve your immunity power ?
Now-a-days people's life is full of race .Human being is so busy in work that he doesn't have time to take care of his health . This is why the lifestyle of people has changed a lot . Their body resistance is getting weaker and this is why it is becoming more difficult to protect oneself from disease . One reason why Corona epidemic has cought so many peoples is that people are not taking care of their health and that is why they could not protect themselves from the effect of the virus.
Here , I'm presenting some tips to boost your and yours family's immunity power .
1. DO YOGA - I think yoga is the best way to improve your immunity. Doing
yoga keeps diseases away.
Here some postures that will improve your health.
* Trikonasan
* Yog - nindra
* Ustrasana
* Garudasana
And you should also do this pranayam daily-
1. Anulom vilom
2. kapalbhati
3. Bhastrika
This pranayam makes your body healthy .
Improve immunity power.
Reduces the chances of any type of disease.
1. Understanding your pain
2. Lower your stress
3. Connect better
4. Improve focus
5. Reduce brain chatter
° find a place to sit that feels calm and quiet to you .
° Set a time limit . Such as 5 aur 10 minutes.
° Notice your body just make sure that you are stable and in position you stay in for a while.
° Follow the sensation of your breath as it goes in and as it goes out.
° Inevitably, your attention Will leave the breath and wander to other place. When get around to noticing that your mind has wandered in a few seconds . Simply return your attention to the breath.
° Don't judge yourself or obsess over the content of the thought you find yourself lost in. Just come back.
° When you are ready , gently lift your gaze . Take a moment and notice how your body feels right now. Notice your thoughts and emotions.
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Healthy diet includes starchy foods such as bread ,rice , potatoes, pasta etc. Fruits , milk and dairy foods and protein foods these includes meat,fish,eggs etc.
Eat oily fish, broccoli, sweet potato , spinach, ginger , garlic , green tea , almonds , kiwis etc .
°BROCCOLI- Broccoli is a good source of fibre and protin and contain iron, pottasium , calcium , selenium and magnesium as well as vitamin A, C ,K and E. And a good array of B vitamins including folic acid.
Study in US found that increasing vegetables in the diet, especially cruciferous vegetables like broccoli could reduce the risk of heart disease.
° OILY FISH - Oily fish such as salmon and sardines is also particularly high in long - chain omega -3 fatty acids which can help to keep your heart healthy .
They are good source of vitamin D .
These fish can help keep our bones strong because they are source of calcium and phosphorus.
° SWEET POTATOES- Sweet potatoes are rich in B,C and D vitamins , calcium, iron , magnesium , thiamine and zinc .
Carotenoid in sweet potatoes might lower your risk for cancer .
Components in sweet potatoes could help to control blood sugar .
Research shows that sweet potatoes can lower your LDL " bad" cholesterol, which may lower your odds of heart problem .
° KIWI - A rich source of vitamins C and anti - oxidant . It improves lung function and a regular intake of the fruit is believed to bring down Ashthma symptoms.
For those suffering from low immunity , this fruit is a must have .
It fight microbes ,bring down seasonal infection and has anti - fungal properties.
°GREEN TEA - Green tea is touted to be one of the healthiest beverages on the planet .
It's loaded with antioxidants that have many health benefits, which may include:
• Improved brain function
• fat loss
• protecting against cancer
• Lowering the risk of heart
Green tea contains less caffeine than coffee , but enough to produce an effect.
°SPINACH - Spinach have calcium, magnesium , iron .
Spinach have high source of zeaxanthin and carotenoids that can flush out the free radicals from the body .
It prevents from stomach cancer , mouth cancer and oesophagus cancer.
Reduces blood sugar , aids in weight loss , good for over eyes , reduces hypertension .
°GINGER - Ginger is high in gingrol , a substances with power fat anti- inflammatory and anti - oxidants properties.
Just 1-1.5 grams of ginger can help prevent various types of nausea, including chemotherapy related nausea , nausea after surgery and morning sickness.
Eat healthy food ,stay fit , make your body healthy.
By- Shruti
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