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White Fungus Infection

White Fungus: A deadly Infection What is White Fungus?  White fungus is a fungal infection where there is form of whitish membrane or discharge caused by candida group of organism . White fungus is a fungal infection called candidiasis. It can caused by the unsterile use of oxygen cylinders or the overuse of steroids.  After black fungus infection, now a white fungus infection surface in Patna, Bihar. According to several media reports it is even more deadlier than Black Fungus.  From earlier reports, what we know is, unlike the black fungus whose symptoms are visible to us ( crust like formation,one sided swelling etc. ) , a White fungus infection, may only be traced by conducting an HRCT (High Resolution computed tomography)  or equivalent test.  For any fungal infection spread in recent time, we can easily observe that peoples with multiple disease, weaker immunity, or patients using steroids have higher chances of getting into it.  How it is different from Black Fungus?


Red blood cell , also called erythrocyte . Red blood cells are the key of life.They are constantly traveling through your body , delivering oxygen and removing waste . If they didn't do their job , you would slowly die.  RBCs contain a protein called hemoglobin. Hemoglobin contain iron which makes it an excellent vehicle for transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide.    Internal structure   RBCs are considered cell, they lack a nucleus , nuclear DNA . RBCs therefore can't divide or replicate like other cells of the body . They also lack the components to express genes and synthesize protein .  Also read -  Endangered species How RBC  works? The red blood cell develop in bone marrow in several stages from a heamocytoblast , a multi potential cell in the mesenchyme , it becomes an erthroblast , during two to five days of development , the erthroblast gradually fills with hemoglobin and its nucleus and mitochondria disappear . In late stage the cell is called a reticulocyte , which u


  What is mutation? Sudden heritable change in genetic material of an organism is called as mutation. Mutation are source of discontinuous variation. Mutation was first observed by Seth Wright. Frequency of mutation at present is 1×10^(-6) (1cell in : 1 million - cell). But it will increase in future due to pollution and destruction of ozone layer.  Mutation in     Corona virus  -                  Mutation in corona virus is slow . Compared with HIV , SARS - COV - 2 is changing much more slowly . After Saver Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) virus began circulating in humans ,for instance,it developed a kind of mutation called a deletion that might have showed its spread.  Causes of mutation - • Mutation can be caused by exposure to specific chemicals or radiation. • alfa , beta , gamma and X  - rays can also causes mutation . • Che mical mutation are more harmful than radiation because body is not protected against chemicals.             Pesticides,DDT , mustard gas , Nitrous acid are