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Healthy Breakfast Ideas

                       HEALTHY BREAKFAST    Of course! Here are 5 healthy breakfast ideas:  Gr eek Yogurt Parfait: Layer non-fat Greek yogurt with fresh berries, sliced almonds, and a drizzle of honey . This breakfast is high in protein and fiber, and the berries provide a dose of antioxidants. Avocado Toast: Mash half an avocado on a slice of whole-grain toast, and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Top with a poached egg for extra protein and flavor. Avocado is a great source of healthy fats and fiber. Oatmeal with Fruit: Cook steel-cut oats according to package directions, and stir in sliced banana, a handful of blueberries, and a sprinkle of cinnamon. This breakfast is high in fiber, antioxidants, and potassium. Veggie Omelette: Whisk together two eggs with a splash of milk, and pour into a heated non-stick skillet. Add chopped veggies like spinach, bell pepper, and onion, and cook until the eggs are set. BH This breakfast is high in
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10 Divine Fitness Secrets for a Healthier You"

Hello and welcome to Divine Fitness Secrets, where we explore the best tips and tricks to help you achieve your fitness goals. Secret #1: Start with a Warm-up Before diving into your workout, it's essential to start with a warm-up. This will help prepare your body for the exercise and reduce the risk of injury. Secret #2: Set Realistic Goals Setting realistic goals is key to success in fitness. Choose goals that are achievable and work towards them consistently. Secret #3: Mix up Your Workouts Variety is the spice of life, and the same goes for workouts. Mix up your routine to keep it interesting and challenge your body in different ways. Secret #4: Fuel Your Body with the Right Foods Eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats is essential for optimal health and fitness. Secret #5: Get Enough Sleep Sleep is essential for muscle recovery and overall health. Make sure to get 7-8 hours of sleep per night to help your body recover


Red blood cell , also called erythrocyte . Red blood cells are the key of life.They are constantly traveling through your body , delivering oxygen and removing waste . If they didn't do their job , you would slowly die.  RBCs contain a protein called hemoglobin. Hemoglobin contain iron which makes it an excellent vehicle for transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide.    Internal structure   RBCs are considered cell, they lack a nucleus , nuclear DNA . RBCs therefore can't divide or replicate like other cells of the body . They also lack the components to express genes and synthesize protein .  Also read -  Endangered species How RBC  works? The red blood cell develop in bone marrow in several stages from a heamocytoblast , a multi potential cell in the mesenchyme , it becomes an erthroblast , during two to five days of development , the erthroblast gradually fills with hemoglobin and its nucleus and mitochondria disappear . In late stage the cell is called a reticulocyte , which u

Endangered species

What is an endangered species? Endangered species- any species that is at risk of extinction because of sudden rapid decrease in its population or a loss of its critical habit.  Here  a list some most endangered species -  Tiger - This big cat is critically part of ecosystem and culture. Tiger is the largest living cat species and a member of genus Panthera . It is most recognisable for its dark vertical strips on orange- brown fur with a lighter underside . It is an apex predator , primarily preying on ungulates such as deer and wild bear .  Scientific name - Panthera Tigris .  Based on the best available information , tiger population are stable or increasing in China , Nepal , Bhutan , and India .  An estimated 3,900 tigers remain in the wild , but much more work is needed to protect this species if we are secure its future in the wild . In some areas , including much of southeast Asia , tigers are still in crisis and declining in number.  Snow leopard - The snow leopard , also kno


Amide the rising of black fungus infection in several states of India ,one case of yellow fungus infection has been reported from Ghaziabad in Uttar Pradesh. What is yellow fungus ? While black    Fungus   infection has been declared as an epidemic in some states , yellow fungus infection is not exactly, much like other fungal infection spread via contaminated environment ,or when suspected patient inhale moulds which grow in the environment.  After black and white fungus, first case of yellow fungus...   Symptoms -   The yellow  Fungus   infection start to cause symptoms by launching an attack on the body's internal organ and disturbing vital bodily processes.                   * Laziness         * Loss of appetite or no appetite                at all weight loss          * In serious cases yellow fungus              can also cause leakage of pus                  and slow healing of the open                  wound          *  Malnutrition and organ                            failu

White Fungus Infection

White Fungus: A deadly Infection What is White Fungus?  White fungus is a fungal infection where there is form of whitish membrane or discharge caused by candida group of organism . White fungus is a fungal infection called candidiasis. It can caused by the unsterile use of oxygen cylinders or the overuse of steroids.  After black fungus infection, now a white fungus infection surface in Patna, Bihar. According to several media reports it is even more deadlier than Black Fungus.  From earlier reports, what we know is, unlike the black fungus whose symptoms are visible to us ( crust like formation,one sided swelling etc. ) , a White fungus infection, may only be traced by conducting an HRCT (High Resolution computed tomography)  or equivalent test.  For any fungal infection spread in recent time, we can easily observe that peoples with multiple disease, weaker immunity, or patients using steroids have higher chances of getting into it.  How it is different from Black Fungus?

New covid-19 Drug '2-DG'

'2DG'- Drug for Covid-19 patients What is '2-DG'  On monday, May 17 , DRDO (Defense Research Development Organization) released the first batch of the indigenously developed anti-Covid-19 drug, '2-DG' abbreviated as 2-deoxy-D-glucose. 2DG is an oral drug.   On May 1, The national drug regulator, Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) granted permission for the emergency use as an adjunct therapy in moderate to sever COVID-19 patients.  2-DG has been developed by INMAS (Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences)  and DRDO (Defense Research Development Organization) in collaboration with Hyderabad based pharma company, Dr. Reddy's laboratories.  How it Works?  The drug accumulates in virus infected cells and prevents the growth of the virus by stopping viral synthesis and energy production.  2-DG molecules helps patients to recover faster and reduces their dependence on supplemental Oxygen.   It's  selective accumulation in viral infected cells ma